Biking for Band

A solo, self-supported bicycle ride from Los Angeles, CA to Washington D.C. beginning August 18th, 2024, in support of:

  • Music education in schools
  • Teacher/student emotional health*
  • TMG activities

*including Crisis Incident Stress Management (CISM) practices for teacher and student wellness.

The Issue: The Mental Health of both Students and Teachers

Never has there been a more important time than right now for music education and the myriad of accompanying benefits.

Milt Allen Teaching and Conducting Music for Students

In a post-pandemic world, just over 1/3 of students report experiencing struggles with mental health; just under half report persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness; 1/5 have seriously considered suicide and just under 10% have attempted it. In adults, anxiety and depression rates have increased over 25% since the pandemic. Stress, anxious feelings, anxiety and fear are not only crippling teachers, but forcing many to leave the profession.

Adding in the impact of technology and the influence of social media, to name just two more challenges, and we find our current generation of students and teachers in a most challenging and seemingly unimprovable world. However, a possible solution in attempting to address these issues already exists in most schools across the US. It has been backed by not only research, but by the participants themselves. Never has there been a more important time than right now for music education and the myriad of accompanying benefits.

The Plan: Biking for Band (B4B)

Raising awareness and funds from Los Angeles to Washington D.C.

On Sunday morning, August 18th, 2024, Dr. Milt Allen will set off on a 3000+ mile journey from the Santa Monica Pier in California to the Annapolis Pier in Washington D.C. This coast-to-coast adventure will traverse through 13 states, require over 100,000 feet of climbing and encompass landscapes ranging from deserts to mountains to the great plains. Tentative completion is late October/early November. Camping, donated funds in support of the trip and the kindness of schools, friends and strangers will be the order of the day. Milt will be available evenings along the route for clinics, keynotes and chats for students, teachers and parents. Subjects include the value of sustaining music programs in schools, adolescent brain development and tips on mental wellness for youth and adults based on Crisis Incident Stress Management (CISM) practices. You can follow the adventure by clicking on the Facebook link below.

TMG’s Ongoing Work

Clinics, residencies, and other commitments in the US, Rwanda, Zambia, and beyond!

Dr. Milt Allen with Music Students in Africa

Dr. Allen’s work through TMG includes providing onsite clinics and short residencies in the US along with ongoing commitments in Rwanda, Zambia and Compton, CA. The post-pandemic business climate has put a hardship on
obtaining the funding needed to not only conJnue these commitments, but to explore new ones both in the US and abroad.

Currently, there are 2 trips to both Rwanda and Compton and 1 trip to Zambia tentatively scheduled in 2024/early 2025. Trips to Africa alone are around $3000 each, yet the cost pales in comparison to the opportunity it provides in places that have no access to additional onsite instruction, materials, and mentoring, nor the funding to do so.

The Goal

Raise $20,000 to fund TMG activities as well as the B4B ride itself.

How You Can Help

Direct Donation Icon

Direct Donation!

Support The Music Guerrilla with a direct donation today!

Housing and Meal Support Icon

Housing & Meal Support

Provide housing or a meal along the route (once posted) which would enable more funds to go directly to the educational efforts of TMG.

Music Clinics Icon

Schedule a Clinic

Dr. Allen is willing to provide evening keynotes, student clinics and informal music teacher discussions along the route as time permits!

Fundraiser Concert

Fundraiser Concert

If you’re a director, have a fundraiser concert, with proceeds to benefit TMG. (A great annual idea, too!)

Become a Sponsor Star Icon

Become a Sponsor

Sponsor a trip to a program that you
feel would benefit.

Microphone Icon

Have Dr. Allen Speak

Bring Dr. Allen to your school, community, or business to provide a student clinic, keynote or music director session with an honorarium for TMG.
